More data mining

So looking deeper into the dotbike flickr site we determined there are 197 shots of riders on the road or side walk not on foot or in Franklin Park or another off-road situation. Of those 134 or 68% were riding with the traffic on the road. The balance were either riding the wrong way or on the sidewalk. So legal riders outstrip misguided riders by 2 to 1. Of the 134, 69 weren’t wearing helmets and 65 were so plenty of helmetless riders understand the other aspect of riding safely. The problem is with the bad riders. Of the 91 riding the wrong way or on the sidewalk, 83 or 91% of the riders not riding properly were without a helmet. Only 8 helmeted riders were captured going the wrong way or up on the side walk. Conclusions? Bike leadership’s emphasis on helmet wear is the place to start… That’s good. Only how are they going to get the word to the helmetless whether they’re road scofflaws or not?

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