So what to do?

As an advocate who cannot support the public policy (bike share) Dotriderblog is left with a sense of helplessness. Why get involved? Our opinions are already short shrifted. Our issues are on the back burner because something no one asked for is being promoted a the expense of what a majority of advocates believe is the number one priority. We’re being told there isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish what we think should be the main priority. As one who is typically FOR something being done and getting something accomplished, considering revving up an ANTI anything group gives me a headache. It was so bad I blew off Bike Friday even though I was in town. Think the Mayor’s Bike Program is in trouble? D’uh! Come to think of it we did work on anti-graffitti for a while in the 90s. That was fun though covering over people’s mess. The city liked it so much they set up their own anti-graffitti program… So…an anti-bike sharing group doesn’t have the same feel. Too bad! Judging from the comments on my previous posts we might have a pretty big meeting if we did…

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