Archive for October, 2012

Biking coverage growing

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

What an amazing month or so for coverage of bicycle issues in Boston. While we suffered two tragedies with two riders being struck and killed, it seems to have kicked off a genuine effort in more than one media outlet around town to do more comprehensive reporting on bicycles.

The leader in this regard has to be the Boston Globe. They ran several pieces, photos and letters related to the Ghost Bikes that sprung up after the accidents. Since they have continued to run news and opinion articles related to the various issues around riding a bike in the city.

While we don’t watch network or local news, we’ve seen a link or two on other outlets that suggest there was some varying coverage on bikes as well.

The other print outlets have had their moments too. Both the Herald and Metro have had some pretty in depth bike stories. Amazing…

While not all of the coverage has been great, the more press there is leads to more overall understanding. Some of the pieces have even resonated. Even the misconceptions presented have led to intelligent responses that have been run.

The worst press was the Public Health Department’s roll out of their public safety campaign to increase helmet use. The bike community has done a good job of responding to that, although Public Health so far has seemed oblivious and defensive. No doubt we’ll see more on that.

The Department of Transportation, which is generally loathed by most bike advocates as being totally auto-centric has even begun to try to make an effort. Now if that ever would turn into results, like not having turn lanes and more car accomodations included on our narrow roads instead of efforts to calm traffic and make room for bikes and pedestrians. It’s sort of like turning the Titanic.

Meanwhile in Dorchester, Neponset Ave gets lanes/sharrow mixes, Gallivan Boulevard has sharrows in spots. However the sharrows that disappeared last fall when Dorchester Avenue was paved south of Gallivan Boulevard down to Richmond Street remain lost on a contractor’s punch list. C’mon McCourt! Get with it.

Get your lights going folks as there is less and less daylight. Also we’ll soon be falling back and the ride home will be really dark. Pedal on!